Calgary Youth Programs - Spring 2025
The Badminton Academy (Calgary) Child & Youth Programs - Spring 2025

In the Spring 2025, Badminton Alberta offers a number of program choices in the Calgary area for child & youth aged 7-17 years of age interested in pursuing badminton. Group lessons are available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Friday evenings at numerous school gyms throughout the City of Calgary.
Families in need of financial assistance may apply to the following agencies to ease the cost of their child's involvement in sport.
Calgary Child & Youth Program formerly the City of Calgary Recreation programs)
Badminton Alberta provides weeknight instructional programs throughout the City of Calgary. Program information can be accessed by following these links:
Thank you for your patience. Badminton Alberta is introducing a new registration system. Please take a minute to create a new family account. After you have created your new account, simply log-in to complete the registration including payment. Following your registration, you have the ability to log-in to confirm your registration, check dates, add a new class, etc.
If you experience a problem during registration
please contact:
Margaret at Badminton Alberta via email:
Yonex Child lessons (aged 7-11 years of age)
Yonex Youth lessons (aged 12-17 years of age)
Registration will open February 27- 5:00pm, 2025 in the afternoon through our new registration platform, please visit at
Payment: Each registrant will be required to submit payment on our Active Net registration site, payment is due at the time of registration.
The Badminton Academy - Elite Training (Tryouts Fall of 2025). Mount Royal University - Stanley Gym- Time: 8:30am - 11:30am. Date: TBD Must register for the tryouts. Registration Fee $25.00. Youth Ages 12-17.
The Badminton Academy provides identified junior aged athletes the opportunity to train twice per week from September through June.
Through the use of a talent identification process, Calgary Youth program coaches make recommendation and present the opportunity for athletes to recieve additional weekly training.
For all other athletes interested in trying out for our elite program they must register and pay a registration fee and be assessed prior to acceptance. At the conclusion of the assessment, for those athletes successful at the tryouts, will recieve an invitation email inviting them into the elite program. Our two day a week training program held at Mount Royal Universiy on Saturday's and The Univesity of Calgary on Monday evening's training sessions will focus on topics that are challenging to all athletes and relevant to their level of skill acquisition.
Selected athletes must make the commitment to attend all training sessions (fall, winter & spring each with a seperate session fee) and are encouraged to participate in selected junior tournaments as advised by the coaching staff. Athletes will compete in junior tournaments under the Badminton Academy club listing, tournament fees will apply.
Athletes interested in this elite program for the upcoming 2025 FALL session must be identified through any of the following programs: MRU youth Programs, U of C youth programs or through the City of Calgary youth programs, badminton clubs or badminton centres can make application to Badminton Alberta on-line registration site at
Register is on-line- A $25.00 registration fee must be paid prior to attending the elite tryouts, not refundable.