Coach Accreditation


Begining September 1st 2025, all coaches wishing to coach on the field of play of a Badminton Alberta sanctioned event must apply for a Coach Accreditation Badge. The applications should be submitted before the first tournament a coach will participate in through a link that will be posted on August 1st 2025. Once the application is processed, a badge will be printed that will allow the coach on to the field of play throughout the 2025/26 season.


Only coaches with a valid accreditation badge will be allowed on the field of play by the tournament referee. Coaches will have to re-apply to get a valid badge for future seasons.


The requirements for a Coach Accreditation are as follows:

  • Be at NCCP Competition Introduction - Regional Certified Coach level, with active/renewed status

  • Have a valid Badminton Alberta membership and Provincial Coaching License

  • Have completed either Safe Sport Training (free E-Learning course through CAC Locker) or the Respect in Sport For Activity Leaders Program (through the Respect Group Inc.)

  • Provide Sterling BackCheck or valid police background check (valid for 5 years)

  • Upload profile photo to PlayerWeb account for use in accreditation badge

  • Acknowledge that they have read and will adhere to Badminton Alberta's Coaching Code of Conduct and Coaching Policy