Tournament Registration Guide
How to Enter Badminton Alberta Tournaments
If you are interested in participating in a sanctioned Badminton Alberta tournament, the information provided here will help guide you through the membership and tournament registration process. The online platforms Badminton Alberta uses are called PlayerWeb and Tournament Software.
- PlayerWeb is the membership and license management system, all memberships and licenses are only purchased on PlayerWeb.
- This is the account by which members may keep track of their membership and license purchases and history
- Tournament Software serves strictly as the competition registration and management platform
- This is the account by which members must use to register for a sanctioned badminton event
When a PlayerWeb account is created and memberships or licenses are purchased, the information is pushed to Tournament Software, where an account is created automatically. A confirmation email will be sent to the same email as the PlayerWeb account, to access your new Tournament Software account.
***Please do not purchase or renew your membership or license on Tournament Software***
For new players who want to play in their first tournament:
- First, create a new PlayerWeb account and purchase the correct membership and player license: Click Here.
- Second, Tournament Software will send a confirmation email which can be used to access your Tournament Software account and register for a tournament.
- Tournament registration links are provided in the event's page on our calander:
Tournament Level
The Alberta Junior Circuit contains two levels of junior tournaments which are typically held in either private clubs or facilities which can provide a suitable environment to host a competition:
SILVER level: SILVER level events are more suitable for players that are newer to tournaments and/or intermediate-level competitors, and is the tournament available for first time participants
GOLD level: GOLD level events are more suitable for experienced players who are looking to get more competitive, and also require a minimum of 2000 ranking points to allow entry
The Senior Tournaments only contain one open level:
YONEX Alberta Series: The highest level tournament allows entry for those that are 14+ years of age, in good standing with the organization and have the appropriate membership and license.
Cost Breakdown
The two pre-requisite components involved to play in sanctioned competition are acquiring both membership and player license:
- Annual Membership with Badminton Alberta (Fixed - $15.50/$25.75 + GST)
- Annual Membership with Badminton Alberta lasts from July 1 – June 30 each year
- Memberships will have to be renewed on PlayerWeb at the end of each annual cycle
- Annual License (Player License: Provincial - $85.50 / National -$35 + GST)
- In order to compete in tournaments, each competitor must also own a player license (in addition to a Badminton Alberta membership). Depending on the level of competition that your children are interested in, there are multiple levels of player licenses available for purchase. The two most likely categories of interest are:
- Provincial Youth – This level of license is for children that are 14 years of age or younger
- Provincial Adult – This level of license is for children that are 15 years of age or older
- Tournament Entry Fee (Varies for each tournament)
- Tournament Entry Fee is the cost to enter a specific tournament after the above membership and player license have been satisfied. In Badminton Alberta Junior Circuit Tournaments, the cost of entry is the same for all age categories.
For a full breakdown of membership and license types available for purchase, click here.
Membership & Licenses - PlayerWeb
Purchasing a membership is the first step in registering for a sanctioned tournament and occurs only on PlayerWeb. The following is a guide with steps to obtain a membership or license:
1. Click Here, or look for the "Membership" tab on the Badminton Alberta website and click on "Affiliate Now"

2. The "Affiliate Now" page has all the information regarding memberships and licenses available, Select "Create an account within PlayerWeb"

3. You will be redirected to PlayerWeb, where you will be presented with two options, Select "Purchase Your Membership"

4. PlayerWeb will ask for preliminary information and attempt to match your records with a previously existing Tournament Software account:
- If you have a previous history competing in a Badminton Alberta sanctioned event, please select the records which appears to match closest to yours and do not create a new account
- If this is your very first sanctioned event, you will have no pre-existing record and will have to create a new PlayerWeb account
5. Once your new account has been created (or a previous account is matched), select the memberships and licenses you would like to purchase and continue to complete the transaction
- During this stage, users will be asked to accept the Terms and Conditions of Badminton Alberta and Badminton Canada
6. Once you have purchased your membership and license, a Badminton Alberta ID number will be generated (or automatically confirmed if already created)
- Your Badminton Alberta ID will be in the format of "AB" followed by five numbers (ie. AB12345)
- If your account was just created, a new Tournament Software account will be automatically created for you, and you will recieve a confirmation email to verify access into Tournament Software
Tournament Registration - Tournament Software
Tournament registration only occurs through your Tournament Software account.
For new players: Once a membership and license is purchased and an account is created on PlayerWeb, an email will be sent to activate your Tournament Software account.
1. To register for an event, begin by selecting the event from the Calendar of Events tab, or look for the summary of events on the right hand side of our homepage:

2. The event page summarizes tournament details and contains a registration link:

3. Once you click the tournament link, you will be redirected to the Tournament Homepage on Tournament Software. This page will have all the information for a specific tournament. If registration for the event is still open, a large red "Enter" button will be visible. Click on it to proceed.

4. If you have completed the previous steps, you should now have access to your Tournament Software account. Click "Login" to begin your tournament registration.

5. If you have not yet completed your membership and license purchases via PlayerWeb, or your memberships and licenses have expired, you may be prompted with the following:
DO NOT purchase or renew your memberships or licenses on Tournament Software, please use PlayerWeb for any membership/license purchase

6. Next, you will be sent directly to the tournament homepage, or you may have to search for the tournament on the website. Select the "Open Now" tab and search or scroll through the tournaments still accepting registrations and choose the tournament.

7. Once logged in, press the red "Enter" button on the tournament homepage. Then select the event(s) and agree to the tournament fees and regulations, then select "Submit" to complete the transaction.

Before the Tournament
Here are some tips for preparing for the tournament:
- Check the draws on the tournament homepage and look for your matches for each day of the tournament
- Find out the scheduled times of your matches and check each morning of the tournament for any changes
- Find the name of your partner (if one was requested) and go through your coach or club to contact them
- Arrange a time and place at the tournament venue to meet before your match time
- Make sure all your equipment is in good condition
At the Tournament
- Arrive at least 30 min - 1 hour before your scheduled match time
- Use the time before your match to connect with your partner or coach and warm up
- Check with the draw desk/ match control to see if you need to check in
- If its your first tournament of the badminton season, pick up your tournament souvenier if available at the draw desk
- Be ready to play if your match is 1st-3rd available
- When your match is called, pick up the scorecard from match control and head over to your assigned court
- Find out who stays to scorekeep after the match
On Court Etiquette
- Sportsmanship and showing respect to others
- A handshake or a simple "good game" at the end of a match is a nice way to show sportsmanship.
- When serving, wait for your opponent to acknowledge before you begin
- Pass the shuttle to your opponent if rally ends on your side of the court
- Line calls
- Be honest when calling lines
- If there is a dispute, do not escalate and argue. Instead, call for an umpire or referee to help resolve a dispute
- Line judges may only be requested if available, and only after a match has begun
- During Match
- If you or your opponent makes a mistake, refrain from making negative comments. Encouraging others creates a more positive environment.
- No excessive celebrations: While it’s okay to celebrate a good shot, avoid over-the-top reactions or taunting your opponent.
- Face away from opponent when respectfully celebrating a shot
- Be mindful of time, avoid delaying the game where possible and make sure to finish your game in the allotted time.